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The best type of life insurance is called term life insurance (also called pure life insurance), and it guarantees to pay a death benefit if you (the insured) die during a period of time that you specify—the term. Get it? Term insurance. Very clever. If you die after the term is over, the insurance company doesn’t pay. Pretty simple.

Another important thing to know about term life insurance is that it has no cash value like a whole life insurance policy. And that’s actually what makes term life insurance a much better deal than whole life. You’re only paying for life insurance—not some wonky cash value account that grows slowly (like over your whole life). This way, you can invest those premium savings and build real wealth instead. (More on all that a little later.)

Term life insurance rates are mainly based on two factors—your health and your age. So it really does pay to get it now instead of later! In fact, age plays such a big role in setting your rate that estimating how much you’ll pay for coverage is pretty easy based on that alone.
We’ve crunched the numbers for 2023, and it’s no surprise that term life coverage is, once again, an awesome deal. So why not reach out to us, and find the best prices available for you?

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